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Giving Tuesday!

November 22, 2023
By Dan Bragg

Are you ready for Giving Tuesday?

Giving Tuesday was started in 2012 and set as five days after Thanksgiving. The goal is to be about serving, helping, and giving with whatever you have left after “Black Friday” or “Cyber Monday.” Not only are many people willing to give, but most non-profit organizations are quick to advertise why you should give to them!

Calvary Christian does not want to be left out!

We are in the middle of the biggest, most historic project in all our history. You may have heard about all this before, but the short and sweet of it is that we have become independent From Calvary Baptist Church and through a series of crazy God-Stories and miracles are growing like crazy and serving record numbers of kids and families.

We are building a new school on Country Road 9, that, once complete, will handle 750 students. We have raised more than we could have ever imagined so far, but still need $1.5 million dollars in the next 17 months.  This place is going to be amazing!  Besides the 25 classrooms – a gym!!  Yes, you read that right, a gym that seats 600 wild and crazy fans (and many other uses)!

We need between 300 and 400 of you to give between $500 and $10,000 for this project.  No, not a “Rich Kid School” – just a bunch of normal everyday people who want to see the mission of Christian Education advanced forward in a culture that is so antagonistic to the absolute values and Truth of the Bible. The point is, we need a lot of you to jump in and participate in this exciting project at whatever level the Lord directs.

Find out more on our website, connect with me, find out what is going on, and how you can help.

The giving needs to be bigger, greater, than Tuesday only!

Join us as we raise this last $1.5 million to take Calvary Christian School to a whole new level!

For more information, watch this video made by Abigail Hermiller (current high school student)!

Give Today!

Let's (literally) Run the Race!

May 16, 2023
By Dan Bragg

Run the Spartan 5K!

It is a twilight run – which just means it's at night (8:00), just as the sun is coming down and it's cooler.

It's coming soon! June 23rd, Friday at the CR9 property, parking on both sides of the property, and the event starts at the shelter at McKinley Fields (formerly called Calvary Fields)

We are using the theme – Building on the Rock and a sub theme of Construction Zone because we are running right through our just beginning construction of the massive phase 2 project.

Lots of Biblical connections to keep us on task, focused, and informed. Our building is going to help us improve our quality of Christian Education, but also allow us to increase our enrollment and give more students/families the opportunity to get value by building lives around Biblical Truth and the foundations of Jesus Christ. Matt 7:24 – 26 exhorts us to build our lives on the right foundation that supports everything else we do.

The process of building takes a lot of work, and a lot of planning. There are so many factors involved and it includes perseverance to move from an idea, to a plan, to completion and then useful service. That same kind of work and planning is needed to build the education of our students. We have so many amazing stories of kids who have grown from the beginning of the year to the end, not to mention growing from early grades to graduation. So as a school our kids are “in process” or "under construction"... they are becoming something great! (and so are we!)

My wife is a math teacher, and as she relates her occupation to people she will often hear a negative reaction, “I hate math.” Well, the only thing that may get a more negative response is when I tell people they should run cross country and I hear, you guessed it… “I hate running!”

And yet God’s Word has several examples where running is the perfect illustration to help us understand that racing is like a fight (II Tim 4:17) and we must pursue the finish line even as it gets increasingly more difficult. Or how about Heb 12:1-3 where we have a cloud of witnesses rooting us on in our race and we are encouraged to throw off entanglements so we can be light and focused on our race. And then my favorite comes from I Cor 9:24, where we are told to run as to win! Paul explains that we must go into strict training and be purposeful and hardworking about the goals we want to achieve.

What a perfect combination of Truth!

Let’s put this all together and join the school family along with the community, and actually run, allowing the metaphors to live in our experience. To also realize that we are growing, our kids are growing, we want to see our school grow. We must face a culture that needs a vibrant, biblically integrated school that is bent on proclaiming truth and seeing students grow and learn, while being prepared and trained as productive, problem solving, valuable members of our society.

To move this construction project along, whether it is in our education and personal development or the actual building of the building, we need perseverance. We need the Body of Christ. We need the tenaciousness of the runner.

Let’s celebrate this process at the Spartan 5K on Friday, June 23rd. Sign up today!

Register to run here! Calvary Christian Spartan 5K (

The Value of Christian Education

February 27, 2023
By Joey Adams

At the start of the 2022-2023 school year, I stepped into a new job at a Christian School. Specifically, I became the Chaplain at Calvary Christian School in Bellefontaine, Ohio.

My job has not been limited to my duties as a chaplain. At the time of writing this, I’ve had the privilege to substitute teach at every grade level. While subbing is not always easy (my apologies to any students who have asked me math questions!), it has given me valuable insight into the world of Christian education. In light of that, I want to share why I think Christian education is a wonderful thing.

I can’t summarize the value of Christian education any better than a wise man at my church. He says, “We wanted to send our kids somewhere that would reinforce what they were learning at home and at church, not contradict it.”

Let’s hone in on those two emphasized words: reinforce and contradict.

Google searching the definition for “reinforce” provides the following definition:

strengthen or support (an object or substance), especially with additional material

And for “contradict”:

deny the truth (a statement) by asserting the opposite

Broadly speaking, a Christian school is going to strengthen and support your student with additional material. The “additional material” provided by a good Christian school is going to be biblically and theologically sound.

A public school, by contrast, has no obligation to teach biblical truth. Thus, a public school will have no issue with denying the truths of Scripture and asserting other teachings in its place. To be clear, I am not against public schools. I think there are wonderful public schools with wonderful Christian educators, and I am thankful for them. I am merely bringing up a fact of the matter at hand. Public schools cannot teach your student that God created the universe; a Christian school can. Public schools will teach your students history from a secular perspective; a Christian school can teach your student history from a biblical perspective—the list goes on.

In America, the chasm between Christianity and secularism is growing more apparent. Secular philosophies that oppose the truth of Scripture are becoming more prevalent in public schools. While Christians are not called to seclude themselves from the world, Christian parents do have an obligation to train up their children in the way they should go (Proverbs 22:6). While discipleship in the local church and in the home are the primary means for accomplishing this, Christian education can be an tremendous serve as a tremendous aid.

Most kids spend a great deal of time in school (6–7 hours a day on average; from K4–12th grade, that amounts to nearly 17,000 hours). It is worth considering how their education is shaping them. I’m thankful for Christian schools that not only help educate young minds but also aim to help students be transformed by the renewing of their minds (Romans 12:2). I’m thankful for Christian schools that come alongside families and reinforce the students’ biblical foundation that is being instilled in them at home.

If you’re a Christian parent and you’re looking for this kind of reinforcement, then perhaps Christian education is the right move for you.


Pastor Joey

Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewal of your mind, that by testing you may discern what is the will of God, what is good and acceptable and perfect. Romans 12:2

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Year End Giving!

December 26, 2022
By Dan Bragg

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year! What a great year it’s been at Calvary and The mission is connecting with more people than ever! (MISSION STATEMENT Calvary Christian School’s mission is to orchestrate a Christian School program that touches the heart, hand, and mind, of our students, supporting families as they raise their children by providing an excellent academic experience that is centered around God’s Word with the intention of developing and discipling believers in Christ.)

We are seeing the mission played out to greater numbers of students, impacting more families, more churches, and having a bigger presence in the community.  Excellence and service to people has a way of spreading and multiplying. What a blessing!

We had a tremendous “Building on the Rock” banquet on December 15th. It was a chance to hear testimonies from a Board Member, parent, teacher, current student, and an alum. Very inspirational to hear stories of how God has and is using the ministry of Calvary Christian School in our families lives.

Mr. Hyde and I were able to keep sharing about the evidence of God’s work in regard to land, resources, and future projects. It’s incredible to see how God has brought the school to a place of independence and an owner of land and starting a new campus. We’re so excited to move into the first building this January and cannot wait to get started on the next K-6 building. Great thanks to the many stories of how God has blessed the school and of course, so many people have participated in God’s orchestrated giving!

As Mr. Hyde shared, it seems pretty clear that to not continue down the road of increasing capacity to serve our families better in light of God’s work, would be unfaithful, and even an example of poor stewardship and trust in Him.

So now it begins! A new chapter. We’re ready to start phase 2 which is a K-6 school that’s 46,000 square feet of space. It includes 21 classrooms, a full size gym, art room, music room, cafeteria and kitchen.  There will be space for the growing intervention program and even space for our enrollment to grow. We’d hate to build something that is too little immediately after we move in and while growth is not our goal, we are working hard to ensure we can serve as many families in our community as possible. Wouldn’t it be amazing to see more believers in Logan county graduating from their K-12 education with 17,000 hours of biblical instruction!?

In this phase 2 project, we have raised in cash and promise gifts nearly $1.4 million. We estimate that this project will cost $7 million.  We believe that as you and other financial partners come together, the body of Christ will pull off this amazing undertaking so that we can get started on this building this coming spring.

As 2022 is closing, it is my last chance to ask you to reflect on God’s goodness, to consider the value of a Spartan education, and consider how you might participate with the CCS mission above.

Pray for us!  We want desperately to be on mission, serving the Lord in the valuable and growing work of Christian Education.

Connect others to us.  Let people know that the valuable asset you have found could be a value to others.  Not only in regards to educating children, but to supporting the work of the Body of Christ.  The more people in this community support us, the better we can serve this community as a “one of a kind,” best practice Christian School making Logan County an attractive place to live.

Might you yourself give?  Many already have and many more are needed.  Many have benefited from programs that give so much to us in resources and have allowed some of us to have freed up dollars that had been designated for school tuition. Please consider giving, one time, monthly, small or large, everything counts as we pull our resources together and see what great things God can do! If you’d like to make a donation to phase or sign up to make a recurring gift you can click the link below to do so.

Give to our phase 2 project here!

Consider donating to our SGO (scholarship granting organization) ! You can check our the CCS app to see explanation videos or make a donation. If you choose to donate $750 per person to our SGO in 2022 you can get it all back as soon as you do your taxes in the coming months. That means you are able to give to our CCS financial Aide program ( up to $1500 per joint filers) and get all of it back and the only cost is lag time of the money that comes back in your tax refund. I just did my gift online, you can put it on your credit card, it was very easy! Click below to donate to our SGO now, just make sure you select Calvary Christian School as the place for your funds to go to.

Give to our SGO here!

Matthew 6:21 tells us that where your treasure is there your heart will be also.  It is also interesting to note that where you give your treasure, you fall in love even more, expect more, pray more, and want to have an accountable relationship with! And that is all good as you consider the value and possible payback in Calvary Christian School!

I am looking forward to 2023!  In the midst of a lot of chaos, God is using the school to form a remnant, an army, ready to make a difference in a world that needs what we have to offer desperately! There has never been a greater time of need for the mission of Calvary Christian School!


In His Grip,

Dr. Dan L Bragg

Fruitful Labor!

June 15, 2022
By Dan Bragg

I just got the call from the doctor’s nurse, “Be here at 6:15 in the morning, do not eat from evening on, dress casual, bring a walker, make sure someone is with you, and oh yes, do you have a Living Will?”

I am having a hip replacement surgery on June 14 at 6 am, actually two (another one later in the summer), if I survive!!

I stammer back, “I thought this was easy-peasy surgery, you know, walk in with pain in the morning and walk out free of pain in the evening, that is what the doctor said…right?”

Little laugh, “you never know, just make sure your will is up to date and bring it in!”

So, is it possible, maybe, I could go to sleep with anesthesia, and never wake up? Wow!!

Paul talked about being here on earth and getting work done, or dying, and the next thing you know walking with the Lord! My oldest son who is 32 years old had a wonderful near life-time friend, who stood up at his computer last month, only to fall back down to the floor dead, a heart attack. No warning, no known problem. I had a first-rate Math teacher at my last school, younger than me, fight off cancer several years ago, VICTORY! She was told last week she has a couple months to live and there is nothing they can do.

My Mom passed away when she was 54 and my sister when she was 37 both from cancer. Cindy had six children the youngest was three. We hear these stories often! At one moment everything is fine and the next thing you know, they are gone.

Interesting, that maybe I am spending my next to last day on earth getting one of our busses to pass the Ohio State Patrol bus certification. I was required to take the bus to Troy, wait around, and get through a lot of red-tap and quite the hassle. So, this is how I am spending my next to last day on earth?

Americans are great at covering up this inevitable issue – we die!

The Seniors who graduated from CCS this past month, the class of 2022, proclaimed their verse to be Ephesian 5:15 “Be careful how you live, not as unwise, but wise, making the most of every opportunity because the days are evil.” Okay – but let’s not get crazy – surely that does not mean now!?

Philippians 1:22 is the verse where Paul wonders if he is going to die and he seems to be like – if it is, then it is, no biggie…I desire to be with Christ – that is better, but if not, if I stay, then fruitful labor!

So, Mr. Hyde and I have been talking about our summer. There is so much to do! Get the Bus to pass the inspection is small compared to finding a place for near 400 kids!! We have building projects, money to raise, new employees to orient, books to buy, schedules to configure, and on the list goes!

In my mind is the mission of orchestrating a fine Christian school that touches the heart, hand, and mind of students. To support families as they raise their children and help them to provide, an excellent academic experience centered around God’s Word and developing them into disciples! Yes, disciples who figure out how to get it done and be productive, you know, “Fruitful Labor!” But who also know the bigger picture, the eternal perspective, the realization that life moves really fast, and we want to be wise because in our culture today, we are up against a lot of evil!!

I have had a good run! (In fact this 1963 hip model has approximately 60,000 miles on it before being replaced.) I have been so blessed. I am thankful for my wife, my four boys and their wonderful wives

and nine grandchildren. I so enjoy my work. And yes, I really like my truck! But who really knows? Just make sure you have that will, and many other things, in order.

Tomorrow I will be “knocked out” for surgery. If God takes me, okay. But if around mid-morning, I start waking up, see some lights, maybe a nurse, or my wife, then that means only one thing…Fruitful Labor!! Yeah man – let’s go get it done and without pain!!! We have work to do!

And so do you. Do it WISELY!! Invest in the eternal stuff and Make it Count.

Oh, how the mind wonders when you are driving a bus!

Where there is no vision, the people perish

January 28, 2022
By Dan Bragg

Where there is no vision, the people perish.  Proverbs 29:18

“All that is needed for evil to triumph is for good people to do nothing.” Edmund Burke

I enjoy thinking about vision. I suppose some people are wired this way and others are more fearful and cynical.  So, I must be careful and realize that everyone has a different comfort level with pulling off big things or dreaming about the possibilities personally or for an organization.

But I think the Bible is loaded with the reach for big and audacious goals.  Didn’t Jesus tell his disciples that they would do greater things than he did?  Paul told us that greater was He that is in us, than he who is in the world. And of course, evangelizing and discipling the whole world is no small thing!!

The Christian School has a mission to teach and train students in a biblical worldview focusing on truth.  Here at Calvary, we talk about supporting Christian families in doing what God has called them to do.  Our goal is to do this work with excellence and give your sons and daughters every opportunity to experience a wonderful and rich educational experience so that they are set up for John 10:10 abundant life kind of success.

Who would not want that!?

There is work to be done.  Families and students want the opportunities academically, athletically, social ingredients, and other fun or stretching opportunities that seem to be around in other places in our culture, yes, even stuff in the public school.  We don’t want to shrink back from this. Many of the activities we are talking about can be done with a Biblical perspective and taught or coached by a biblically driven educator and can have great impact.

Our boys’ basketball team is having a great year.  They are athletic, disciplined, and very skilled.  But even better, they are coached by Lee Reinhard who is thinking about way more than wins and losses.  They are winning on the court, but they are also winning in terms of character and spiritual growth. They’re learning to be a team and work together.  A few weeks ago, they played Waynesfield Goshen.  I am not saying that this was Waynesfield-Goshen’s best ever team, but we played in a beautiful gym that could easily hold 1500 people.  To get there, I went through hallways lined with championship pictures and trophies, a very impressive sports history.  Our boys won the game by fifteen points, and we do not even have a gym!  But the best part, Coach Reinhard asked the coach and team if they could end the night in prayer at center court and kudos to Waynesfield-Goshen, they accepted!

I think the prayer was important!  But I also think playing well created credibility and respect.

I am thankful for the Lord’s goodness and grace to us.  We can have little resources, not even a gym, and still win!  But I do not want to stay there!!

The Christian School across the country typically educates around 2 percent of the school population.  Many schools have had a hard time staying open and meeting budget demands.  Christian schools can have a reputation for not having nice buildings or other extra perks.  If a Christian school grew at the rate of 4 or 5 percent, that would be considered a very good year. But I want to remind you that He who is in us, is greater than He who is in the world! You can find this in many places, but II Peter 1:3-11 is a good place to start.  Here you will see when you do things in a biblical way, focusing on Truth, you cannot lose.  This is a guarantee for productivity and usefulness.  How can we shrink back from a sure mission and be satisfied with a couple percentage points of growth when we are hardly making an impact on the Education world who basically thinks we are irrelevant!?  If we grew 100 percent in the next several years, that would be quite crazy and audacious, but would only move our impact to 4 percent rather than 2 percent!

At Calvary Christian School we believe that when students are properly trained and long-term results are prioritized, those students will flourish.  CCS intends to seek “greater things” (John 14:12, Romans 8:11, Ephesians 1:19), in a quest to impact culture, join forces with the Body of Christ, and have significant impact both locally and to the larger world.  This growth is not only physical and spiritual growth of our students, but true of those who work in the school, and for the CCS organization itself.  By always improving, we will attract more families to our mission (Colossians 3:17).

When people partner with our mission, we become a valuable, sustainable school that meets needs, producing cutting edge results, and become a prosperous hub of the community. The property, the buildings, and the programs behind this vision will grow to match the demand. Is our desire for growth strictly for the sake of growth? No! What we are ultimately striving for is more change in our community as more young people are trained in God’s Word.

Thinking in the tone that Edmund Burke set, “Evil triumphs when Christians do nothing,” we will spur our students into active participation in the battle of right over wrong and be an organization that is forward thinking and actually lives out the opposite of doing nothing.

So, the vision of a new gym, school property (thanks to Calvary Baptist Church), purposefully designed buildings is not a pipe dream, but a natural consequence of following a God-sized mission.  And yes, we Christians can do much with God’s help!  We can educate well.  We can play with “anybody.”  We can shoot for the moon, and achieve amazing things.  The vision requires obedience to God’s leading, a thousand details, much excellence, the right people, good momentum, and a lot of prayer. 

We are seeing God coordinate many things this year.  We are grateful for renewed interest in Christian Education.  Calvary has a great history with many wonderful people sacrificing much to get where we are. We are thankful for a movement of School Choice across the country that is more willing than ever before to put resources in our hands.  Things are looking up!  Let’s keep the vision in mind and fight for the victory that is in our sight!

You are going to want to be a part of the meetings planned for February 22nd and 24th.  I am just saying, get involved and pray fervently.  And oh yes, hold on to your hat, it’s going to be a sweet ride!

What in the world is the "Backpack Bill"?

January 21, 2022
By Ryan Hyde

Have you heard chatter about the backpack bill but aren’t sure exactly what it’s about? Well, look no further! This proposed legislation is pretty simple…create a system that allows our tax dollars to fund the educational placement of the family’s choice. This moves the focus away from funding one solution (public school districts) to the micro level (each family), it puts the kids first!

How does the proposed bill do this?

  • This bill would create ESA’s (Educational Savings Accounts) that are funded each year to be used by students that opt into the program.

What are the ESA funding amounts?

  • Right now the funding looks like this: $5,500 for a K5-8th grade student and $7,500 for a 9th-12th grade student. This is tied to a formula so those numbers can change over time.

What can I use those funds on?

  • The ESA account would be used primarily to cover tuition expenses. Possible leftover funds could be rolled into a 529 college savings plan once the student graduates.

Who would receive that money under the Backpack Bill?

  • Every single student that is enrolled at Calvary is eligible to opt into the program! Our tax money follows our students, makes sense right!?
  • Of course, if the bill passed and you still wanted to pay tuition you would not be forced to opt in. 

There has to be strings attached to this right?

  • No! In fact, there’s specific language stating that the state cannot interfere with the schools administrative policies.

What do public schools think of the Backpack Bill?

  • As you can imagine, most public school districts are opponents to this bill. Many districts, including some around us, have already passed board resolutions stating their opposition to funding following the students. They generally see this in a negative light because it could decrease enrollment which results in lower per pupil funding. Public districts would still receive other sources of revenue from the state (property taxes would be an example) that generally make up nearly 60% of revenue.  
  • Something that is often ignored by opponents of school choice is the improved performance of public schools in areas where school choice is available. In fact, 30 empirical studies that have examined the impact of school choice resulted in 29 cases of improved public school performance and only 1 that showed no significant effects. You can read more about how school choice actually benefits everybody here.

This sounds great but what can we do?

Recent Posts

5/8/24 - By Dr. Dan L Bragg
4/23/24 - By Marissa Smith
2/14/24 - By Ryan Hyde
1/18/24 - By Pastor Joey Adams
1/10/24 - By Ben Moore
11/22/23 - By Dan Bragg
10/9/23 - By Dan Bragg
9/7/23 - By Ryan Hyde
7/6/23 - By Elementary Teachers
6/8/23 - By Ryan Hyde

