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Each year we welcome a new class of Calvary families. We're excited about each family that partners with us and it’s our goal for everyone to feel welcome and to quickly become a part of the amazing community that exists at Calvary. To help that transition, here are 5 things to help new families at Calvary.

1. School Communication Channels: Learn about how information is shared at Calvary!

Primary Facebook page: This will be used to share stories and snapshots of life at school 

Primary Instagram page: This will be used to share stories and snapshots of life at school (crosspost from FB)

Calvary Families Facebook Group: This will be used to share school announcements and allow families to connect with each other. If you have a question, ask away! Families are typically very fast at helping each other out.

Youtube: We'll upload school videos to our YouTube channel.

Website: Our school website is geared toward prospective families

CCS App (Google Play / Apple App Store): the app is designed to share information and notifications with our current families. Current families should download the app and opt into the groups if they wish to receive calendar updates and notifications.

One Call: Texts will be preferred to quickly inform current families of announcements or changes

CCS Newsletter: We'll send a newsletter 2 or 3 times a month on Fridays with information on upcoming events for current families. 

Classroom Programs: Teachers may use individual texting platforms to have 2-way communication with their student's families.

2. Where to find supply lists?

You can find supply lists for 24-25 on the supply list tile of the app or on the website.

3. Need to contact a teacher during the school year?

To find staff email addresses, you can go to the CCS app and click on the faculty and staff directory tile. You can also find this directory here. 

4. PTSF Events!

Each year we have a handful of family events hosted by PTSF to give our families a chance to hang out and have fun.  We’ll have a pool party at the Hoffman pool in August and a Back to School Event in September.

Bonus Items!

You can always find school events on the school calendar icon in our app (click the calendar button at the bottom) or here.

We're excited about seeing you all in the fall!