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Race to the Finish - Phase 2

May 08, 2024
By Dr. Dan L Bragg

What is going on at Calvary?

Tons! A lot! Where do I start??

Most of you know the history and story of Calvary. We are blessed to serve a growing body of families that desire a Christ-centered education for their children. Besides a growing family of Spartans, we’ve been working on other new realities, such as independence from our generous Church (Calvary Baptist), accreditation, School Choice for Ohio (Ed Choice Scholarships), added courses, athletics, and the “Building on the Rock” campaign to accommodate this growth! Miracles and stories abound – and I would love to tell you more if you are interested!

You probably already know about our $9 million dollar project. By the way, we’d love to have you visit the building at mid-point in the construction phase for an open house on Sunday, May 19th, from 1:00 to 2:30. One of the things you will be able to do that day is write Bible Verses and/or prayers on the inner walls (on the studs that will be covered by drywall). This will be a good chance to cover this building in prayer, knowing that the mission and vision we are striving for is not easy, and we are praying for God’s favor and success.

We all know that this building, as excited as we all are about it, is only a tool to provide Christian Education and programs to as many kids and families as possible, as well as in an environment that is conducive to making good on the ideas around our Profile of a Calvary Graduate (the capacity of this building is 750)!

Financially – How is it going? What is still needed? Well, I am so glad that you asked!

So many miracles, so much of God's hand up to this point, but let me summarize it.

We are on a 38-acre parcel (CR-9) and we’ve been able to build 10,000 square feet so far (This was a 2.5M project). Soon after, we were able to secure a $6 million dollar loan from Middlefield bank to begin phase 2 of this campus project. We knew we would need another $1.5 million to get into the building and have all the needed items to run a flourishing school.

Drum roll – many have responded! If you go to our giving page, you will see our new/latest realities. To get into the building we need around $1.1 million and have more than $400,000, so we are in a place now that the ASK is down to under $700,000! I know, that’s still a lot of money!

Remember we are talking about a $12 million dollar campus project (and this is the same school that has a history of living in scarcity and debating if we would be able to open the following fall).

Yes, many have given and we are so thankful! But hear this call saying we are close and we need you! We believe this project will be a benefit to families in our community for decades to come! That a high quality Christian education with the required facilities to match will be available in Bellefontaine and serving families from a wide geographical range is exciting!

This isn’t a guilt trip, just saying, we really do have the potential to knock this $700,000 need out of the ballpark. It is down to the items needed on the inside of the building. I am talking about gym floor, score boards, lockers, setting up rooms, office furniture, library, kitchen and many, many things that make up

The items needed for a “get it done” Christian School. We have a brochure that outlines many of these specific items. Our hope is that you may see a specific need and give it as you think about the way it will impact the students' daily lives here. And we really want to equip a new building with high quality items, but with the value-added of Christian discipleship and biblical worldview, make your contribution a plus, plus, plus!

This is a request for you to be givers to the Mission of Calvary Christian! But this is also a praise report. We could not be where we are without God and the army of believers (The Body of Christ) coming together. So, when I make the request, $700,000 dollars from 100, maybe 200 of you, I do so knowing that God has taken us this far. I have every belief that HE will help us to FINISH THE JOB!

And when I say, “Finish the Job,” I include the fact that we will have a mortgage of $6 million dollars. Again, it is a big number! But our plans and prayers are to attack that debt and get the school back to debt free as quickly as possible, so those funds can then be diverted to other avenues of improving the school! If our people give more than $700,000, then we can look at paying down the mortgage, or starting the work needed for Phase 3, which will include expanding our space and moving forward seriously in the development of our athletic fields and the facilities needed to support a top-notch athletic program.

We do sincerely hope that you’ll come to the Open House on the 19th. I know we will make more opportunities for you to visit along the way, but have joy with us in the progress. If you would like to talk more in specific and detail with me – I can talk your ear off!! Let’s set an appointment with, grab some coffee. I will show you around and update you on our progress and our challenges!

On another note, I want to assure you (another item of PRAISE) that while God is blessing us in regard to this building project, He is also blessing us in regard to the people He has called to Calvary. We will have nearly 70 employees this fall. No, they still do not make as much as the public-school counterparts, but we have increased compensation significantly. We know the team here is absolutely key to fulfilling the mission of Calvary Christian School.

A couple of amazing ways the Lord has recently provided. We have received several things for our kitchen at free or reduced prices. We have a teacher whose sister works for a company in Columbus who owns several big buildings, and they had a company that went bankrupt (not happy about that!) and left a significant amount of furniture (teachers' desks and tables) that we were able to pick up for free!

Also, we have a donor with a significant gift who said that as our givers give, he will match you (all) up to $100,000!!! So, what a time to begin giving to this project – your money doubles!!

Please – check out the list using the link below, consider how you might help Calvary finish this phase and enter this historical, “For Such a Time as This” moment!!

Investment Opportunities List

In His Grip,

Dr. Dan L Bragg, Ed-D

Asst. Head of School/Development

Posted in Foundations

Enhancing Education: A Shift Towards Optimal Learning Environments for Fourth and Fifth Graders

April 23, 2024
By Marissa Smith

As the once loved Coldplay says… “When you try your best, but you don't succeed” … sometimes we try something, and it just doesn’t work. A couple of years ago, we moved our fourth and fifth graders to our nine period a day “high school schedule”, which at the time we needed to, in order to utilize our staff and resources well. However, we recognize that the schedule for those students is not ideal. So now we pivot, and we make changes for the better! In our continuous journey to improve student learning and well-being, we are thrilled to announce that we are moving our fourth and fifth grades back into an “elementary schedule”. This strategic move aims to better align with developmental needs, foster a supportive learning environment, and maximize educational opportunities for our students. While the schedule will not match completely with our K5-3rd grade students, it will give more opportunities for the teachers to collaborate and for the students to learn in a more age-appropriate learning environment.

Here is what the schedule will look like in the fall for our fourth and fifth graders! We have four incredible core subject teachers (language arts, math, science, and social studies). The fourth and fifth graders will start their day and end their day with their homeroom/Bible teachers (one of the core teachers), as well as having a built-in enrichment period/ study hall with their homeroom teacher. During this enrichment period/study hall, the 5th grade students will still be given the opportunity to be involved in band. The students will also go back to a specials rotation where they will go to PE, choir, Spanish, computer, and art once a week like our elementary special schedule.

We are very excited about this change! As administration, we pray that this schedule allows for a better transition between our lower elementary students moving into that middle school realm. This new schedule will walk our third-grade students (who have two teachers a day) to four teachers a day as they prepare to jump into the “high school” schedule in sixth grade.

Posted in Life @ Calvary

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